Friday, December 10, 2010

First Book Club Meeting

The brand new Book Club for kids in grades 3 through 5 kicked off yesterday with a meeting about The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger. Loads of snacks were eaten and there was conversation a-plenty during this first meeting.

The book received rave reviews all around, scoring an average 5 out of 5 stars! The participants loved the humor, realistic emotions, and zaniness of Dwight, the outcast who doles out advice through his Yoda finger puppet. Opinion was divided on what was exactly the funniest moment in the book, though Dwight's horrible sweater vest was mentioned more than once.

As a group, we decided to next read A Tale Dark & Grimm by Adam Gidwitz . We wanted to read a book that appears to be quite different from this month's read. So, please join us on Thursday, January 6th from 3:00-4:00 p.m. for another afternoon of discussion, fueled by tasty treats!

And keep your thinking caps on, because we still haven't decided on a Book Club name yet. Come with ideas!

Thanks to all of yesterday's participants. I'm looking forward to a fun new year of reading with you all!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Children's Book Club

Jamestown Philomenian Library is starting a book club for kids in elementary school who are interested in reading great works and talking about them with others.

Join us on Thursday, December 9th from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. to discuss Tom Angleberger's recent book, The Strange Case of Origami Yoda.

This discussion and craft session is geared toward kids grades 3-5.

Snacks will be provided, so come with a hungry mind and stomach!

This is an anticipated monthly event, so participants should come with ideas for future titles and a great book club name.

Register by Wednesday, December 8th with Miss Lisa at 423-7280 or

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to School

The kids of Jamestown started school just last week. How's it going so far? I've heard rumors of tests and projects already...the summer break is officially over.

What better way to ease your way back into the school year than to read a good book and have it count as part of your year-long reading assignment? Here are a few recent releases that I can't wait for you to dive into:

Sir Charlie: Chaplin, the Funniest Man in the World
Sid Fleischman

Enter another engaging biography by the talented Mr. Fleischman, author of the highly acclaimed Escape!: The Story of the Great Houdini. Charlie Chaplin is presented as an unparalleled comedian with a colorful personal life.

The author follows the comedian from his tough beginnings through his reign in Hollywood to his ultimate death and beyond (Sir Charlie suffered the indignity of having his grave robbed!). This "warts and all" narrative is complemented by vivid photographs of Charlie at work and at play throughout his life. The chapters are short and easy while the writing style is colorful and bold. This is an all-around biography recommended for readers grades 5 and up.

Ingrid Law

A follow-up to Law's Newbery Honor Book Savvy, Scumble revisits the world of families whose members inherit remarkable talents on their thirteenth birthdays. Ledger Kale is about to hit that magical age and cannot wait to find out his savvy. Like his cousin Mibs Beaumont (the main protagonist of Savvy), Ledger will go through many adventures and self-analyses on his way to learning how to come to terms with his special gift.

Law's rich writing and even plotting encourages readers to tear through the pages of this book (not literally, please). The chapters are manageable but you'll probably keep reading past your goal because you'll be so entertained. Scumble serves as both a sequel and a stand-alone book which is sure to please fans of Savvy and new readers alike. This chapter book is recommended for readers grades 4 and up.

Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same!
Grace Lin

Another great entry from Grace Lin, the author of the magical fairy tale Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. This story of twin girls who are quite similar in appearance but who have many personality differences and talents will appeal to twins and non-twins alike.

The six stories contained within this slim volume are perfect for new readers. The colorful illustrations on each page are the perfect complement to the lively text, more than adequately illuminating the conversations between the sisters. This Easy Reader is recommended for readers grade K and up.

I hope that you'll enjoy exploring these books and the dozens of other new releases that we have here at JPL. Our shelves are stock full of stories just waiting to be discovered! Why not read a great adventure/comedy/biography/historical fiction/non-fiction/etc. book and get homework done at the same time? Happy reading!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Book Club Ideas...

Thanks to all of you who participated in the Summer Reading Program! I'm still tallying numbers but it appears that you were very busy readers. I can't wait to see your progress next summer.

Have you checked out our New Books shelves lately? Here's just a sampling of what's come in lately:

The Outlandish Adventures of Liberty Aimes by Kelly Easton

Dewey the Library Cat: A True Story by Vicki Myron

Baby Shower by Jane Breskin Zalben

I've been asking around and it appears that you guys might want to have a book club here at the library. Is the rumor true? If so, let's get it started! Stop in to see me or send me an email, okay? I'm already anticipating all of your great ideas!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer is Sizzling!

What are you doing to beat the heat this summer? When you're tired of the beach and you can't stand to look at your computer screen one more second, try one of these suggestions:

1. Visit your local library, where it's cool AND filled with all sorts of adventures to be had (in the form of books to be read and friends to be made)!

2. Help your parents out with gardening, household chores, or making dinner. You may be on vacation but they might not be and I'm sure that they'd appreciate the help!

3. Work on a fun craft, suggested from the following websites:

All Kids Network
Family Fun

Do you have any other suggestions on how to stay busy and not bored this summer? Feel free to share your excellent ideas!

Also, for any of you who haven't yet and still want to sign up for the Summer Reading Program, there's still time! Email me at or visit me at the library.

I love seeing you guys here in the library during the summer. Keep on visiting!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading Program has officially begun! Join us between June 21st and August 11th for books, events, prizes, and ice cream. These are a few of my favorite things!

The Program started off swiftly, with registrations in my email inbox as soon as I turned on my computer. You guys didn't disappoint as, throughout the day, you lined up in front of my desk to be among the first participants to sign up (the first ten got a free bag to tote all of your books)! Registrations are still coming in at a fast pace. If you haven't already, be sure to sign up for this great program. Don't miss out on all of the planned activities...and those that might just happen on a whim!

Be sure to check out the Summer Reading Link on our website if you have any questions.

I look forward to seeing you all in the library!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Great New Picture Books!

There are some great new picture books on our shelves. Some of my recent favorites include:

Captain Small Pig, written by Martin Waddell and illustrated by Susan Varley. This picture book, appropriate for pre-K and up, is a beautifully rendered story all about a magical day out. A perfect start to the summer season.

Mirror Mirror, written by Marilyn Singer and illustrated by Josee Masse, is a book of reversible verse. Classic fairy tales are rewritten and turned upside down in order to show that there are two sides to every story. A truly inventive work for kids in grades 3+.

Bunny Days, by Tao Nyeu, is a trio of hilarious stories, all involving cute cotton-tailed bunnies who get into some unexpected predicaments. Be sure to pay special attention to the wonderful retro illustrations. A real treat for pre-K and up.

Enjoy these and other new picture books on our shelves. Be sure to share your thoughts on my picks and recommend some of your own!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Welcome to the first posting on the Jamestown Philomenian Library’s Kid’s Blog!

I hope that this blog will become an information source for the kids who frequent JPL and those who’ve thought about coming into the library. I’ll be including upcoming special events, new books to check out, old books to catch up on, the Craft of the Week, and general news that should be of interest to you.

Have you heard that the new Rhode Island Children’s Book Award Nominees for 2011 (Rooster Books) are already out? I’ve ordered a copy of all of these fantastic books for you ladies and gentlemen to read and discuss. Feel free to share your thoughts with each other and with me. Here’s the link to the official list:

Remember to add this site to your Favorites list and happy reading!

June Grades 5 & 6 Book Club: Winterborne Home for Vengeance and Valor

  For June's Book Club, we read the book  Winterborne Home for Vengeance and Valor   by Ally Carter.  Nicole, Natalie, and Julianna were...