For May’s Book Club, we read Starry River of the Sky by Grace Lin. Cameron, Harry and John were present and Andreas participated virtually. Here are our thoughts…
Who is your favorite character in the story? Why?:
Cameron: I liked Mr. Shan because he seemed kind of crazy and mental but then as the book progressed, his true character came out. He’s really smart and not loopy.
Harry: It was funny when Mr. Shan held up the bridge. I liked the stories in the book. Madame Chang was wise.
What did you think about the fighting in the book?:
Cameron: I thought that it added to the story. It helped Rendi figure out some things.
Harry: This book shows real relationships and things that happen every day. The people didn’t seem that surprised by things that were happening in the book.
What did you think of Rendi?:
Harry: I liked him. I thought he was cool. I liked the big emotional moments.
Cameron: I liked Rendi. At the beginning, I thought that he was like a hobo but he ended up being the son of a powerful guy. He kept saying “a few more days” regarding staying in the village. He was often upset. I liked how the book showed his emotional changes and how he grew as a person.
Harry: He’s a smart kid. He must be special that he could hear the frog/moon crying.
Cameron: I liked how everyone tricked the kidnappers in the Inn.
What did you think of Peiyi?
Cameron: I thought she was like Rendi. At first she didn’t like him and then she grew to almost love him.
Harry: They started out as rivals but ended up as friends.
If you could change a scene in the story, which one would it be? Why?:
Harry: I wouldn't change any scene but I would change the title.
Cam: I wouldn't change any scene. I really liked this book. It was like a puzzle and all pieces came together.
Please rate this book from 1-5, with 5 being the best:
Cam: 4
Harry: 3.5
Any more thoughts?:
Cameron: I liked how this book was connected to Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. You didn’t necessarily have to read the first book but reading it would help your understanding of this book. It was amazingly good.
Andreas: Great pick! The wonderful pictures and stories were beautiful! I read it for one day straight it was so good!
The stories about Magistrate Tiger really captured my mind! The stories were my favorite part of the book! I also really liked how Rendi got the moon back into the sky- with the help of amazing people like Mr. Chang!
Next, I read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon! The two books had a small relation to each other, but it was great! Thank you for recommending these books!
The book for the next Book Club meetings is Wonder by R.J. Palacio. There will be copies waiting for you behind the Circulation Desk. We will be meeting on Wednesday, June 5 at 3:00 p.m. to discuss this book.
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